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Murfreesboro Criminal Defense Attorneys Defend College Students

Defending MTSU students accused of crimes

For many young people, going away to college is a time to experiment, push the boundaries and have fun before it's time to get serious about life, family and career. But, if not careful, experimentation and excess can ruin a prospect for a bright future. Mistakes made in youth can haunt a person for years to come. The attorneys at Pate & Knott take a special interest in defending the rights of college students who have been accused of crimes. Our more than 50 years of combined experience give us the perspective to address each student with compassion, while aggressively defending their rights and protecting their future. We can make a difference in the outcome of your case.

What crimes are Middle Tennessee college students commonly charged with?

College students are typically charged with a range of criminal offenses from DUI to drug charges or rape. These are serious charges for anyone, but if your son or daughter is facing criminal charges while in college, it can be devastating.  An arrest can be harrowing, especially if they are far away from home. Criminal charges often carry negative consequences with regard to scholarships, financial aid and student loan eligibility and a criminal conviction can have a detrimental impact on their future, including job opportunities.  If your college student is facing criminal charges, it is vital that you consult with our Murfreesboro college student criminal defense lawyer today to discuss your child's situation. Common charges college students face:

  • DUI -- The most common criminal charge we encounter with college students is DUI, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. While drunk driving is a misdemeanor for a first time offender, it is still a criminal offense, and it can have serious repercussions especially if there is an accident with injuries.
  • Underage drinking -- Drinking under age (DUA) is classified as a Class A misdemeanor in Tennessee, and can carry a maximum penalty of 11 months and 29 days in jail if convicted. Additional DUA penalties can include: Loss of driving privileges, community service, mandatory fines, drug-testing.
  • Drug charges -- The first offense for simple possession is a misdemeanor, but subsequent charges and large quantities of drugs carry stiff penalties.
  • Theft or robbery -- Whether a student has been charged with shoplifting or theft, they face a serious charge which carries significant penalties. Rely on our experienced criminal defense attorneys to protect their best interests and find a desirable resolution.
  • Rape -- Any sex crime charges including rape, date rape, sexual assault, prostitution or indecent exposure carry significant consequences and require highly-skilled legal representation.

Our  Murfreesboro student crimes attorneys work hard to protect your rights, diminish any school disciplinary action and avoid a criminal conviction. We regularly work with college students and juveniles, offering an understanding environment and steadfast defense strategies.

Free Consultation

The Firm of Pate and Knott charges no fee for the initial consultation regarding personal injury cases, including automobile/truck/motorcycle accidents, slip and fall accidents or any other type of accident caused by a third party. Call us at (615) 848-1221 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our Murfreesboro office. Evening and Saturday appointments available.

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