Experienced marijuana defense attorneys
Many jurisdictions have seen significant changes in laws regarding marijuana. The conversation surrounding legalizing medical marijuana is heating up in Tennessee. But even if legislation is passed, it is unlikely to include the smoking of marijuana. Moreover, the fact is that it is illegal for almost anyone to possess marijuana in Tennessee. This can lead to problematic legal situations and charges for those found in possession of marijuana. Even in the face of changing legislation nationwide, 2013 statistics show that over 40% of drug possession arrests nationwide were for marijuana possession. In Tennessee and the surrounding region, that number was closer to 50%. The marijuana defense attorneys at the law firm of Pate & Knott will work with you to understand your rights in the event that you are charged with the possession or exchange of marijuana.
Is marijuana treated differently than other drugs under Tennessee law?
Marijuana is treated differently, at least in terms of government classification, than the most dangerous drugs out there. In fact, marijuana is now considered a schedule VI drug under Tennessee law, which is the second-lowest classification in terms of dangerousness. Schedule I drugs include extremely dangerous and addictive drugs such as heroin, morphine, and mescaline. Many, many prescription drugs are on a higher drug schedule than marijuana. In fact, the only drug on a lower schedule is butyl nitrite and its derivatives. But again, marijuana is still illegal in Tennessee.
The law regarding possession of marijuana
Laws regarding marijuana possession are still generally in line with other drug crime laws. If you possess or engage in the casual exchange of less than ½ oz. of marijuana, it is still a Class A misdemeanor inTennessee. If convicted, you will be required to attend a drug offender education program and should also expect fines as a first time offender. The charges and penalties stiffen significantly if an adult knowingly exchange marijuana with a minor from an adult to a minor. This constitutes a felony with mandatory minimum fines and jail time. As with any drug crime, the penalties increase with the amount of marijuana and the number of prior convictions. The sale of marijuana from ½ oz. to 10 lbs. is a Class E felony. Factors increasing charges and penalties include: to whom the marijuana is sold, where it is sold, and the quantity sold. The Murfreesboro marijuana defense attorneys at the law firm of Pate & Knott understand the system and will help you arrive at the best solution possible when you are facing marijuana-related charges.
Our Murfreesboro marijuana defense attorneys are standing-by to fight for you
National arguments about legalizing marijuana may seem popular and important, but they are also moot when you are facing serious charges which stick on your permanent record. Contact the trusted Murfreesboro marijuana defense attorneys at Pate & Knott when you need someone on your side. To schedule a confidential case evaluation, contact our law office at 615-848-1221 or contact us online.